At Gateway Academy, we have produced many students with perfect scores and students with scores in the top 5 percentile!
We offer private tutoring year round, but classes are available in May, after the AP test, and in the summer, from June through August. We provide a thorough review of the subject matter along with practice tests and test reviews.
Our SAT program is different from the run-of-the-mill test preparation classes students may encounter anywhere else. Not only do we provide our students the overall understanding of the test but also provide strategies and practice to achieve the score the students want.
We offer flexible programs and personalized schedules to meet the busiest of schedules.
The Study Hall Program is designed to help students maintain their G.P.A. (Grade Point Average) whether the students have trouble keeping up in class, understanding difficult material, or have difficulty focusing. Students will have a calm, focused, and comfortable environment perfect for educational activities.
Under the caring watch of the staff and educators, students will never again feel hopeless or frustrated with their school work.
AP course are designed to engage students in college level courses and prepare them for the rigors of college level work while still in high school. Taking AP subjects in high school requires commitment and time-management skills, and because they are college level courses (first year), students may find the workload a bit daunting.
We realize that unfamiliarity and the level of work required for AP subjects can be overwhelming to the students, but Gateway Academy instructors can give the students the coaching and the instruction they need in order to do their best in any AP course. Our programs are flexible and can accommodate the busiest of students.
If your student is struggling in specific areas at school or just wants to get ahead of their peers, Gateway Academy offers tutoring in almost every subject imaginable. Not only does it help that they can rely on someone for help, but it also helps boost their ability to retain their knowledge and apply it on their own.
Tutoring is offered year-round and private 1-on-1 lessons are available for any of the subjects or courses we offer.
Gateway also offers acceleration courses and tutoring for junior high students. Our advancement program not only prepares your student for the upcoming school year but also prepares them for their future goals in high school.
Whether your student is trying to get ready for his/her IB classes or needs that extra little push to do well in their private school entrance exams, Gateway has all the material and resources to help.